Meeting Statistics Now Available for Recorded Sessions

To give teachers more insight into student engagement during an online session we created a new recording format called Statistics Report.

When a student participates in an online class BigBlueButton, will capture their user events (such as joining, leaving, chatting, raising hand, etc.) in order to create a playback file for the recorded session.


For customers using our hosting for BigBlueButton, we can now generate a report for you based on these events.  The report has three sections.

  • Attendance – How long were users in the session?
  • Participation – How often did users raise their hand, speak, chat, and share an emoji?
  • Engagement – How often did users respond to polls?

Here’s an overview of how it looks.

When viewing the Statistics Report instructors also have the ability to download the data as a comma separated file for importing into Excel or other spreadsheets.

The Statistics Report is now available for customers using our LTI integration, Sakai integration, and the latest version of the BigBlueButtonBN Moodle.  Updates to Canvas, Schoology, and Jenzabar to support the Statistics Report are coming soon.

In all integrations, the Statistics Report appears as a ‘statistics’ link in the list of recordings.

Here’s how it looks in Moodle.

For more information (including a live example), see Meeting Statistics Report.

Contact us you are interested in enabling this report for your school.